The RagSock


Norrenergi provides sustainable district heating to Solna and Sundbyberg. During the year, a new communication concept was launched: “We make Norrenergi supplies sustainable district heating to the communities of Solna and Sundbyberg. In line with our recent communication concept, “Making Solna and Sundbyberg a Little Warmer,” we are committed to go beyond providing heat. We aim to engage and be a meaningful contributor to Solna and Sundbyberg neighborhoods.

Purpose and goals
Not everyone has warm feet in the winter. Especially Warm feet are a luxury not everyone enjoys, particularly the homeless, whose numbers are sadly on the rise. To address this, we’ve initiated a warming initaive: knitting wool socks. The project is a collaboration with local enthusiasts eager to extend a helping hand to those in need. We sell the hand-knitted socks at and various local events, and all profits are directed to Stockholms Stadsmission. By providing the necessary materials and offering knitting lessons, we invite the entire community to contribute.

The advertising for district heating is generic. And boring. It’s drone shots of nice houses, people drinking tea, a cute cat on a radiator, and warm The typical advertising narrative for district heating is boring and generic, often showcasing people enjoying tea, cats luxuriating on radiators, and the comfort of warm showers. Our task was to be different. The RagSock initiative demonstrate Norrenergi’s commitment to spread warmth and highlight our role as an important part of the Solna and Sundbyberg communities.

Creative/Art Director: Max Rosell
Creative/Copywriter: Peter Fjäll
Account Executive: Christian Nivelius
Account Manager: Amelie Lagerstedt, Liam Moorcroft
Content Manager: Mira Blomstersjö
Photographer: Sun Kim
DOP/Post producer/Online/Grade: Verena Grahn
Digital strategi/Ad spend: Sthlm Stratlab
Strategisk projektledare: William Friman
Mediarådigivare: Sofia Hult 
Dataanalytiker: Viktor Lingslunde 
Client: Monica Vilhelmson, Maria Carvinge, Annika Bremborg
Advertising Agency: BANG Agency

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