Magical Deals

Coop Östra

For Coop, we introduced a delightful team of little green elves, each embodying a unique aspect of the customer experience. Meet the Deal Elf, the DJ Elf, the Peekaboo Elf, the Sleep Elf, the Baker Elf, the Quick Elf, and many more elfs – playful characters designed to create a memorable and engaging presence. The campaign was rolled out across Stockholm, Östergötland, Södermanland, and Uppsala, utilizing diverse formats such as subway escalator ads, Eurosize billboards, Print ads, instore materials, and interactive instore events where customers could create Christmas music with AI.

Creative Lead/Art Director/AI prompt: Max Rosell
Creative/Art Director: Magnus Färnström Design
Creative/Copywriter: Sara Nydrén
Account Executive: Christian Nivelius
Account Manager: Amelie Lagerstedt
Final Art: Olof Rogbrant Design
Production Company: Adeprimo
Planner: Lars Andersson
Retouch: RBLS
Advertising Agency: BANG Agency

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